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12 Monkeys (1995) with pre-movie trivia hosted by Josh Carson!

  • The Parkway Theater 4814 Chicago Ave Minneapolis MN 55417 USA (map)

Dystopia at The Parkway

Thursday, January 2, 2025
7 pm Doors // 7:30 pm Trivia // 8 pm Movie

  • $9 ($11.27 w. taxes/fees) Advance General Admission

  • $12 (taxes/fees included) At The Door 

Ticket purchases are final and non-refundable 
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Directed by Terry Gilliam // Rated R

Imprisoned in the 2030s, time traveler James Cole (Bruce Willis) is recruited for a mission that will send him back to the 1990s. Once there, he's supposed to gather information about a nascent plague that's about to exterminate the vast majority of the world's population. Aside from the manic Jeffrey (Brad Pitt), he gets little in the way of cooperation, not the least from famed wildlife expert Dian Fossey (Sigourney Weaver) who is studying the gorillas of Rwanda and Uganda. Wait, wrong movie.

Join us before the movie for trivia, hosted by Josh Carson!

Josh Carson is an occasionally employed writer/comedian in the Twin Cities.