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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 35mm Presentation

  • The Parkway Theater 4814 Chicago Ave Minneapolis MN 55417 USA (map)

MacGuffin Month at The Parkway!

35mm screening!

Thursday, April 3, 2025

7 pm Doors // 7:30 pm Trivia // 8 pm Movie

  • $9 ($11.27 w. taxes/fees) Advance

  • $12 (taxes/fees included) At The Door

Ticket purchases are final and non-refundable 
Facebook RSVP

Directed by Steven Spielberg // Rated PG

Archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) tries to beat a band of Nazis to a unique religious relic which is central to their plans for world domination. Battling against a snake phobia and joined by a vengeful ex-girlfriend (Karen Allen), Jones is in constant peril, making hair's-breadth escapes at every turn. So glad they didn’t make any more of these after the third one.